Thursday, December 29, 2016

About Center Path

I am a Reiki Master and Healing Touch Therapy Student. I read Oracle Cards, Crystals and perform Candle Divination. Looking for a healthier way of life with Essential Oils? Book a free consult with me.
Disclaimer: I am not recommending that Essential Oils should replace any medical advice from your doctor, and you should follow all instructions for your prescribed medications. I am using EOs to help manage my pain, not as a substitute for my doctor’s recommendations.
I started my journey with Essential Oils (or, EOs) about 15 years ago. I dabbled, wanting to learn more, because I was looking for holistic ways to combat migraine headaches. I had my first migraine headache when I was 15 years old. I had the horrid head pain, where it intensified every time I took a breath or made a small movement. I had the nausea, where I literally threw up right in front of my mother while she was trying to take a bath. I had the light sensitivity, and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and make it STOP. I have suffered from migraines ever since. I often wonder what the trigger was back then, at age 15 – hormones, dietary, or genetics? I made my first visit to a neurologist when I was in my early 20’s. I had tried the Triptans, and they did not seem to be working. The neuro my PCP sent me to was a very unsympathetic man. He said, “How did you get in here? I normally treat people who have had migraines for weeks at a time, not a few days at a time!” I dropped him and found my savior, Dr. Emil Matarese, soon after that, at the recommendation of a friend. At this time, I had been suffering one to two migraines per month, which lasted two to three days per month, and which rendered me pretty much incapacitated. I was missing work and practically had stock in Excedrin and Tylenol. Dr. Matarese ruled out any medical factors (i.e., a tumor) and started me on a daily regimen of a muscle relaxant and a pain killer. I slowly began to have fewer and fewer episodes of incapacitating migraine, and started having more of what I call “functional” migraine – meaning, I could still do my work, and basically function, but still suffered. The daily regimen worked wonders for me, but I hated taking those medicines every day, especially after I had my two children. Those medications made me tired, so I took them at night before bed, but I worried that if the children needed me, that I would not be able to wake up (or, if I did, that I would be groggy). Enter in the EOs. I started reading about them and decided to give them a try. Just in the last year or so have I been incorporating them into my daily lifestyle. Not only do I use them and blends, but I learned how versatile they were – from dietary needs, to household cleaning, to aromatherapy, and even for our pets. I am not going to preach any one company to purchase from, but I will share the basics about oils, ways to use them, and even share some “aromatherapy recipes” with you. I have made household cleansers, beauty aids, my own diffuser blends, and have introduced them to my friends, family and co-workers.
One of the blends I have made myself for my migraines is a blend of Lavender, German Chamomile, Peppermint, and Rosemary. I blended this in with Apricot Oil as a carrier into a roll on container. I use it on my temples and the back of my neck when a headache starts creeping in on me. I also put a few drops on a lava-bead bracelet to “carry” it around with me during the day, or in an essential oil diffuser locket (both of these items can be purchased on I made a blend for my sister, who doesn’t care for Lavender (who also suffers from migraine), that I have been calling “Wendy’s Blend”. These blends have helped me manage my headaches and/or migraines without having to turn to the prescribed medication as often.

I am hoping you will check back often!

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