Saturday, December 31, 2016

Essential Oil Showcase - "Thieves"

Disclaimer: Always follow your medical doctor’s advice and recommendations. Essential Oils are not a substitute for medications.

So, I caught a nasty cold this weekend, just in time for the New Year! That’s okay, though, because it gives me a chance to discuss one of my favorite blends of Essential Oils. The base of this blend is Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary, and there are several variations to this blend on the market, including different ingredients, but those five oils always seem to be present. Young Living sells it as “Thieves”, dōTerra calls it “On Guard”, Healing Solutions calls it “Health Shield”, Nature’s Truth calls it “4 Thiefs”, Rocky Mountain calls it “Immune Strength,” etc. You get the idea. I use the YL brand of it, and it has a nice, spicy/woodsy note to it. But it’s the story behind this oil blend that makes it a fun oil to diffuse in my home.

The story goes like this: During the Black Plague of the 15th Century, four thieves were stripping the bodies of the victims of the plague of their valuables. They themselves did not contract the plague, even though it was highly contagious. When they were caught, and brought before the King, he demanded to know how they had avoided infection. The thieves were all members of the same family who were by trade apothecaries. They had been taught that certain plants had medicinal properties and that they had used this method to avoid contracting the plague. The thieves supposedly used Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary.

YL has an entire line of household products with the Thieves oil as its base, from oral hygiene and personal care to household cleaners.

So how did I catch a cold? Well, the prime reason was, I wasn’t diffusing it daily like I should have been! Lesson learned the hard way! I have some in my diffuser next to my bed right now.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year!


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